Clothing Program

Providing clothing for infants, children, teens, and adults. Clients are invited to “shop” from our clothing rooms stocked with new and gently used clothing and apparel.

Mobile Closet

A clothing outreach program that serves school children and teens, from pre-k through high school in Huntsville and Madison County schools.

Waste Not Program

A medical equipment loan program providing assistive technology to North Alabama citizens, regardless of income or health insurance status.

Clothing Recycling

To help make the world a greener place, CCYR accepts unwearable clothing and worn-out textiles to be upcycled through our recycling program.

Operation Believe

A Christmas program, providing toys and gifts to families and seniors throughout the winter holiday season.


CCYR gratefully accepts the following items:

Clothing – Gently used infant to adult clothing including jackets, shoes, belts, jewelry, purses
Clothing Recycling – Unwearable, torn, stained clothing, sheets, and thin blankets
Durable Medical Equipment – Wheelchairs, rollators, walkers, knee scooters, shower chairs, and bedside commodes, NO HOSPITAL BEDS
New Toys – ONLY ACCEPTED October through December

Items NOT Accepted:

Used toys, stuffed animals, appliances, electronics, household goods, cushions, dishes, pots and pans, lamps, couches, tables, chairs, rugs, and recreational equipment. NO FURNITURE, NO HOSPITAL BEDS

Thank you for also considering a financial donation that allows us to continue serving the residents of Madison County!

Help Us Make an Impact

We help an engaged community to make a difference in the lives of our most challenged community – but we need your help – learn more about how your gift can make a difference.

Our One Mile Fun Run Through Huntsville’s Tinsel Trail – 2021